In this article, we’ll be discussing how to properly trim your weed. Trimming your weed is an important step in the overall process of growing and consuming marijuana. By trimming your weed properly, you’ll end up with a better product that is easier to consume.
Scissors vs. Electric Trimmer
There are a few different ways that you can trim your weed. The most common method is to use a pair of scissors. This method is effective, but it can be time-consuming. If you’re looking for a faster way to trim your weed, you can also use an electric trimmer. Electric trimmers are designed specifically for trimming cannabis, so they’ll do a good job and save you some time.
No matter which method you choose, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind when trimming your weed. First, you make sure you’re using sharp scissors or a sharp trimmer blade. This will make the job easier and produce cleaner cuts. Secondly, you want to take your time and be careful not to damage the buds. Trimming your weed too aggressively can result in lost product and lower quality buds.
So, those are a few tips on how to properly trim your weed. Take your time, use sharp tools, be gentle with the buds, and use a trim tray for weed to keep everything neat and organized. This way, you’ll surely end up with some great-looking and great-tasting cannabis.
Should You Trim the Weed Before or After Drying It?
If you’re a cannabis grower, you’ve probably wondered whether you should trim your weed before or after drying it. The answer to this question is actually quite simple: it doesn’t really matter.
There are benefits to both trimmings before and after drying. Trimming before drying allows you to eliminate any excess leaves and stems, which can make the drying process go more quickly. It also allows you to get a better look at the buds to trim them more precisely.
Trimming after drying means that you won’t have to worry about losing any valuable trichomes (the tiny crystals that contain THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids). It also allows you to dry the buds more slowly, improving their taste and smell.
Additionally, by trimming your weed after it is dried, you can avoid accidentally over-trimming and losing valuable buds. Dried buds are also less likely to stick to your trimming tools, saving you a lot of time and frustration.
So, what’s the bottom line? If you’re unsure whether to trim your weed before or after drying it, just go with whatever method you prefer. There’s no right or wrong answer here.
Let’s Get to It
After you’ve set up your trimming area, it’s time to begin trimming. Whether you’re going to be trimming wet or dry, the actual process is going to be identical.
Step 1. Remove the fan leaves
Fan leaves are the well-known 5-pointed leaves of the cannabis plant. Despite their iconic image, they contain almost no trichomes, so you have to get rid of them.
Step 2. Buck the buds
During this step, you will have to cut individual buds from the branches. This process is called “bucking”.
Keep your stems, branches, and fan leaves in a separate pile so you can compost them later.
Step 3. Trim the buds
Now that you have your buds to work on, begin trimming! Break up large buds into smaller ones to ensure that they dry well. Otherwise, they may be susceptible to mold.
- Trim the stem as close to the bud as possible without breaking it down.
- At the bottom of the bud, remove leaves that resemble crow feet.
- Manicure the bud by trimming off the extra plant matter.
What to Do With ‘the Trim’
After you’ve trimmed your weed, you may wonder what to do with the remains, aka ‘the trim’. While you can certainly throw them away, there are a few different ways you can use them. For example, you can use the trimmings to make edibles or cannabis-infused oils. You can also use them to make hash or kief. So, before you get rid of your weed trimmings, consider all of the different ways you can use them.
Clean Up After You Are Done
Assuming you have a trimming tray with a screen, you first need to remove any debris or plant matter that may be stuck to it. Be careful not to damage the screen in the process. Next, rinse the screen with water to remove any remaining residue.
Now it’s time to disinfect the screen. You can do this by wiping it down with a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water. Let the solution sit on the screen for a few minutes before rinsing it off. Once the screen is clean and disinfected, you can replace it in the trimming tray and get back to trimming your plants!
Good job! A properly trimmed plant brings much satisfaction as trimming can affect the taste of the product. Remember basic rules about how to trim weed and your bugs will look better.